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Brand stewardship unites the power of strategic thinking and heart-centered direction with practical implementation.


"Stewardship is a different energy. By guiding and protecting your brand away from the 'hype and hopium' Trish transforms overburdened communication plans into streamlined activities that amplify how you connect, communicate and cultivate customer relationships."



"Trish is masterful at this...bridging both sides!"

"We haven't had direction like this for a long time."

"Trish is both heart-centered and helping our brand."

Working from a simple structure that Trish designed to support her own entrepreneurial journey, she blends strategy and heart alignment to help you to achieve more.


There is nothing new under the sun, except you.


A brand anchored by directional insights from your Human Design and Success Codex™ improves your Vision, Voice, Village and Value and shifting to a stewardship approach realigns your Vital Energy (time, energy, resource...) so you create more impact!


Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Adele Anderson
Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Christine Monaghan
Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Anita Adams
Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Susan Drury
Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Flora Foods
Soul-Aligned Brand Strategy Testimonial Tovey Blake


Trish's five 'Vibrational Centers' create a solid foundation to keep you focused and in flow with a frequency that achieves more...


...authentic messaging and communication

...client & partner relationships based on true collaboration

...decisions that feel clear and congruent

...brand value that resonates with more of your market

...return on your time, energy, money and resources


You achieve more because more of who you are is reflected through your brand!


Sharpen your brand impact with a soul-aligned strategy:

There are simple reasons your brand isn't building your business and it comes down to alignment; with obvious things or with subtle things.

In simple terms, alignment is where your 'who' meets your 'do'. It's the integration of the being into the brand and the soul into the strategy.

A heart-centered, soul-aligned Brand Strategy meets you where you are:

• struggling to connect or communication your unique Value with your market

• out of sync with what, who or how you are here to serve and contribute your impact

• burning through Vital Energy (time, energy, money, ideas...) that aren't delivering solid returns on your investment

• ready to simplify in order to start seeing and creating more progress


Trish co-creates with you to refine each of the five vibrational centres using simple, sustainable strategies and directional insights from your Human Design.

She helps you lean into your 'brand of different' and improve every aspect of how you connection to your market, communicate your core value and cultivate strong, mutual customer relationships.



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Kickstart Brand Synergy


Strategy is a process, and it helps you determine what not to do.

Connect with Trish to kickstart a balanced process that leads you into clarity and consistency start manifesting more points, more progress and more of your big picture vision!


Step into strategic, heart-centered brand stewardship:

When your brand is aligned from within every investment you make 'out there', has more meaning and manifests the desired outcome.

There are a myriad of solutions you could choose, but brand stewardship carries a different energy; brand stewardship is the intersection of leadership, protection and accountability. 

Brand Stewardship meets you where you are:

• frustrated and over-burdened with complicated 'solutions' that are taxing your bottomline and not delivering consistent progress

• disappointed with fragmented freelancers or "performance" partners that are unengaged or uninterested in achieving your long-term brand vision

• burning out by trying to manage and grow your brand presence, instead of focusing on delivering your core value 


Trish balances the short-term health and stability of your brand investments with the long-game, strategic direction that keeps you sustainable.

Her natural and collaborative leadership style blends with a depth of wisdom, expertise and intuitive know-how to achieve more with less and steer you away from the 'hype and hopium' to stay focused on things that truly add value.


How long does a Brand Strategy take to complete?

There are instances where clients require more time due to scheduling or multiple partners, but generally speaking, this is a nine (9) week process from our initial discovery session to the final delivery of your foundational brand assets and roadmap.

What is the difference between a Brand Steward and other solutions?

In a nutshell, it's the intersection between strategy, soul-directed insights and streamlined implementation.

You can generally find people who can offer one or two of these functions but it's the integration of all three that Trish's clients continue to say is the 'game-changer'.

How much do you charge?

How long is a piece of string? 😂  Honestly, it comes down to the mix of services and the relative level of structure and stability that currently exists in your brand/business.

I have found a sweet spot with my process and practical implementation, which means ... less than what an agency but more than a good executive assistant.

How do I know if Brand Stewardship is what I need?

Here are a few key indicators that a Brand Steward is what you've been looking for:

-- You want someone who can provide strategic direction and dedicated service delivery

-- You want someone who embraces accountability and eliminates ambiguity

-- You want someone who sees your big picture vision and can shift the pieces around the board to create more of it

-- You want someone who is more concerned with guiding and protecting your long-term, sustainable growth than in hitting their sales targets.

What are some of the Brand Strategy/Steward services I could choose from?


  • Cornerstone Messaging & Content Vault
  • Brand Differentiation & Value Position
  • Comparative SWOT Analysis
  • Brand Story & Pillars
  • Brand Voice/Character/Tone
  • Resource Audit/(re)Allocation
  • Quarterly Game Plan
  • Product/Service Playbook
  • Customer Journey
  • Core Client Profile


  • Email Marketing 
  • Social Media 
  • Website Updates
  • Research & Insights
  • Content Creation
  • Budgeting
  • Paid Campaigns
  • Analytics, Metrics & Evaluation
  • Collaboration/Partner Expansion
  • Lite Design/Copy support (from existing brand visual/copy)

(a few things you WON'T find: Website Design/Build, Graphic Design, Long-Form or FOMO Copy Creation, SEO or Paid Search Campaigns) 

Fast-track the 'FAFO' process!

Schedule a 30-minute exploratory call means Trish tunes in, to listen for what you need that will fast-track finding a solution that fits you.

Talking with Trish is THE fastest way to find out if brand strategy or stewardship is what will move you from point A to point Z...

...with a whole lot less f--king around! 😎